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Leadership Roadmap for Professional Women Freebie - Dr. Shade


Meet Dr. Shade

Dr. Shade - Leadership Synergy - Leadership Accelerator - Website About-me Photo

Our mission is to normalize female leadership and elevate thousands of women into merited positions and increase their self-value.

Dr. Shade is the Founder and CEO of Leadership Synergy Institute and the creator of the Leadership Accelerator Program. She’s an academic professor, leadership coach, and an experienced leader at top-tier organizations internationally.

She is passionate about supporting women to excel as leaders by providing proven strategies, frameworks, and the soft skills required to succeed.

Mentoring her students and working in corporate environments, Dr. Shade quickly realized that good, data-driven ideas and hard work aren’t enough to get buy-in nor influence recognition and senior positions.


Acquire the skills to strategically lead teams and reach your personal & professional goals

She founded The Leadership Synergy Institute to teach professionals and businesses the critical leadership skills required to get promoted and confidently show up as a leader, including building relationships, influencing effectively, and inspiring teams.

Her programs and resources offer the critical guidance Dr. Shade wished she had when she was transitioning to a management role, including proven tools, strategies, frameworks, and a supportive community of high-achieving leaders.

The Leadership Accelerator programs and courses are designed to support professionals and subject-matter experts with skills and strategies they can implement right away, so they can successfully navigate any situation and get to the next level in their careers.

Leadership Accelerator - Leadership Synergy - Dr. Shade - About me photo Icon

Transform your life in just three steps…

Leadership Accelerator - Leadership Synergy - Dr. Shade - Study Icon
Leadership Accelerator - Leadership Synergy - Dr. Shade - Module Icon


  • Building foundational leadership skills
  • Developing self-awareness & EI
  • Effective communication strategies
  • Building trust and rapport with others
  • Est boundaries & managing expectation
Leadership Accelerator - Leadership Synergy - Dr. Shade - Study Icon
Leadership Accelerator - Leadership Synergy - Dr. Shade - Module Icon


  • Building on existing leadership skills
  • Delegation and time mgt strategies
  • Conflict resolution and problem-solving
  • Motivating and inspiring others
  • Leading with empathy and compassion
Leadership Accelerator - Leadership Synergy - Dr. Shade - Module Icon


  • Advanced leadership skills
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Influencing and persuading others
  • Developing a personal leadership brand
  • Navigating power dynamics and Politics


Testimonials from my clients

www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Tesimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program
www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Testimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program
www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Testimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program
www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Testimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program
www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Testimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program
www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Testimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program
www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Testimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program
www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Testimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program
www.leadertshipaccelerator.co Testimonial - Dr. Shade - Leadership Accelerator Program

The Programs

Leadership Accelerator Program - Mini  mock up


Leadership Accelerator Hub


Leadership Accelerator Hub is a self-paced membership for women. You’ll be empowered with the skills, frameworks, and tools required to influence at all levels, accelerate your career, and have a voice at the table.

Leadership Accelerator Program - Main mock up


Leadership Accelerator Pro


Leadership Accelerator Pro is everything in the Hub, with advanced leadership and strategic thinking training, and access to increased support to accelerate your career, have a voice at the table, and get there FAST.

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Are you ready to invest in yourself and accelerate your career and influence?

Get specially crafted career, confidence, and leadership strategies directly to your inbox.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Who is this membership for?

A:  The program is for women in corporate, who are interested in developing their leadership skills and advancing their careers.

Q: I am a new professional and early in my career. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes, this program and community will provide mentoring, training, and insights to establish a solid career foundation that will distinguish you from your peers and position you as a leader.

Q: I’m mid-career or an expert in my field. Will I still find value?

A: Yes, this program will work well for you. It’s a great way to strengthen your confidence, reasses your skills and career identity so you continue to grow and evolve in your career.

Q: Can I cancel the membership?

A: Yes, you can cancel at any time.

Q: How much support is included?

A: Unlimited self-paced lessons with worksheets. We also encourage you to take advantage of the 24/5 private group mentoring support that’s included and join our monthly mentoring calls.

Q: Do I have to be in a certain field or industry?

A: This program is geared toward women in corporate careers. It works no matter what type of work you do or the industry.

Q: What if I have a specific career concern or need private coaching and support?

A: Once you join the membership, opportunities for 1:1 coaching and additional support will be available to you.

Q: I have additional questions!

A: Happy to answer any questions! Contact us at info@leadershipaccelerator.co and we’ll get you sorted.

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.
